Monday, December 16, 2013

How To Help Your Real Estate Broker Help You

Real estate offer. BusinessmanHow To Help Your Real Estate Agent Help You

In today’s post, we’ll look at what your real estate agent can and can’t do, what you should know about real estate agents, and how you can help your agent the most.  We’ll focus on if you’re selling a home this time, and create another one on what to do if you’re a buyer in the future.

Open Houses

You may think an open house is a great idea for getting people to look at your home and push for it. But the truth is that houses rarely sell that way. People like to have a private appointment so they can take their time looking around. The open houses help your agent because it builds up their contact list.

Don’t Use Plug-In Air Fresheners

The oily or waxy smell can be a turn-off to some people. Your best bet is to bake a load of cookies before people visit.

Last Second Lookers

If your agent says that someone wants to come over in 15 minutes, let them even if the house is a bit messy. It’s these type of last minute lookers that turn into impulsive buyers.

Don’t Be Offended By Low Balls

The fact that they made an offer means you may be able to negotiate them up. Let your real estate agent see what they can do.

Read the Contract Carefully

Very successful agents often pass their listing to junior agents and let them use the name. Before you sign a contract, make certain you know who will be working with you and what they will be doing.  By having proper expectations set, you’ll have a better experience.
Some agents put in additional fees ranging from $250 to $1,500 on top of their standard commission. It’s intended to cover their brokerage’s administrative costs.
All of these fees are negotiable.

Leave Furniture or Agree to Hire A Stager

Empty rooms don’t appear larger. In fact, they may appear smaller because the potential buyer has no sense of scale. And if the potential buyer sees furniture, they can imagine themselves living in the home more easily.
That being said, always keep your counter tops clear of clutter in the kitchen and bathrooms.  If you’re still living there, keep a special place where you can swipe everything into at the last second.
And don’t go overboard with decorating like wine glasses in a tray next to the bed, or fake pies on the counter. That could turn people off.

Mutually Listen

It’s important that you feel like your agent is listening to you and your concerns. It’s just as important that you listen to the agent. They should be the expert in home sales in your area, and may have additional knowledge that you don’t
Are you looking to buy a home before the end of this year?

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